Public Safety & Justice

Public Safety and Justice Feedback Form

Public Safety is a high priority for the Squaxin Island Tribe. Law enforcement officers patrol the reservation, South Puget waterways and usual and accustomed hunting areas, protecting human life and the natural resources upon which members of the Squaxin Island Tribe rely for cultural and economic sustenance.

The Public Safety Department successfully manages Squaxin Island Tribal Court, which consists of three divisions: a trial court, an appeals court and an employment court. The department also manages a shellfish and geoduck harvest monitoring program. The monitors assist with weigh-outs of product. Officers are trained in scuba diving, and assist with compliance and safety issues.

Safety of tribal hunters and shellfish harvesters is a major concern due to highly publicized court cases. Therefore, patrol of the usual and accustomed harvest areas has increased over the past couple years. Despite sometime hostile environments, tribal hunters and shellfish harvesters conduct themselves with dignity and respect. Law enforcement officers host hunter safety education training for tribal and community members each year.

The Public Safety Department is currently looking for applicants for the Reserve (volunteer) program. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age, have a valid drivers license and submit to a background check which includes a polygraph examination (lie detector test) and be willing to attend the Reserve Academy. They also cannot have any felony or domestic violence convictions. Accepted applicants will respond to medical and police-related emergencies. Tribal members are greatly encouraged to apply!

The Public Safety Department is encouraging interested individuals to learn more about their police department by participating in a Ride Along. Qualified applicants will get to ride with an officer for an eight-hour shift. Interested persons must be at least 12 years of age and have no felony convictions. Those under 18 years of age must have written parental permission.

(360) 426-5222

Squaxin Island Tribal Court Form

Petition to Open Probate

If you have any questions about this form, Email Kim Heller

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