Daily Scoop for June 27

No Elders meal today

Tribal Council agenda for TODAY, Thursday, June 27

06_27_2024 Council Agenda

Do you have ideas, suggestions, or complaints you would like to bring to the attention of tribal leadership?

Feedback forms are available on the Tribe’s web site at the top of each department’s main page. Your feedback will go directly to the director as well as to the Director of Operations.

Tribal Council also has a feedback form at the top of their page.

Take a few minutes to share your insight with tribal leadership.

Tribal Council Feedback Form

Wishing a Happy Birthday To
Robert Lee Cooper
Geraldine Elizabeth Bell

Tomorrow’s Birthdays
Hurricane Lucinda James
Jeremiah Jack George
Sequoia Rose Goodfellow

No Elders Meal Today

Events are posted on the Daily Scoop once and then moved to the Community Calendar. Please check the calendar regularly for upcoming events. Other information will be posted on the Community Bulletin.

Squaxin Island Tribe Community Calendar

Squaxin Island Tribe Community Bulletin

Clam, Oyster, and Shrimp Regulations

Geoduck and Sea Cucumber Regulations

Contact Information Update Form

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Contractor Registration

Scholarship Opportunities

When are fireworks allowed on the Reservation?
Which type of fireworks are allowed?

Click on the link below for all the information . . .
General use permit 2024

July 8th and July 9th court dates are cancelled

They will be rescheduled, so stay tuned.

Jackets are In!

Elders, you can pick up your jackets this week (except Friday)
From 10:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Or call Dorinda at (360) 790-9307 to schedule a pickup time.

Next Elders Committee Meeting
The next Elders Committee meeting has been postponed until July 11.
See you then!  :  )

This Saturday

Mark Your Calendars

Tuesday Tips and Tricks

Lessons from Nature
Alder trees are the first plants to grow in places that have been damaged by landslides, fires, and other environmental disasters. They rebuild the soil and create a foundation for a forest home where plants and animals can thrive. They create a healthy community despite disruption, stress, and disasters.
 How can we learn from Nature? Be an Alder in your community!
Day to day, seek out ways to support others in times of need and use your skills and gifts to help others.
Being prepared to care for you and your loved ones with an emergency preparedness kit, extra food and water, is one way to be an Alder, a foundation for others to thrive, in disasters and emergencies.
Let the Alder remind you that you can help others thrive by being a strong foundation for someone today and in emergencies!

Call for Artists

This is a call out for artwork submissions for the 32nd year of the Salmon Homecoming Alliance event happening at Pier 62 on the Seattle waterfront in September, 2024.

Our theme this year is “Save the Salmon, Swim Against the Current.”

A salmon MUST play a prominent role in the artwork submitted.
Your artwork, if selected, will be featured on all our t-shirts, on our website, and on other selected printed materials.

The deadline is June 30th or sooner.

Please submit a clear picture of your piece to .

A $1,000.00 stipend will be paid for a non-digital original signed and numbered piece.
A $750.00 stipend will be paid for a digital signed piece.

We require a high quality minimum size print of 20 x 15.

The artist will retain the right to make copies for additional profit.

If you are an artist and have further questions, please contact the Event Coordinator, Linda James-Laville at

Thought for the Day
I am still far from being what I want to be, but with God’s help I shall succeed.
– Vincent Van Gogh