RFP 3781 Old Olympic HWY

Covid-19 Updated Statistics January Through August 2021

Click on the link below for

Covid Stats January 1 – August 20, 2021

Squaxin Family,

We recently put out a video imploring everyone to be extra cautious as the “Delta” variant is spreading rapidly around us. It was stated that we had cases on our reservation. Please see the numbers from our Health Clinic as evidence that we need to return to a culture of vigilance. The numbers listed are not necessarily all residents of the reservation; some of the numbers are people who live off the reservation, and/or are staff.

The Tribe isn’t the only place seeing a rapid increase; it is happening nationwide and in our surrounding counties. Mason County reported 364 Covid-19 cases in the last two weeks. That is a greater number than has been seen in the last 18 months. Thurston County is the same. They reported 1,363 cases in the last two weeks, also a record.

A majority of the people testing positive have not been vaccinated. Out of our 25 for this month, a few of them have been vaccinated. A Washington State Tribe reported its first Covid-19 death of a member who was fully vaccinated.

None of this information is an attempt to bring fear to anyone. The goal is to get everyone’s attention. We need to return to being very mindful of who is staying in our home and who we are giving rides to in our car. Whether you are vaccinated or not, you need to wear a mask and practice social distancing. Be mindful of close contact with anyone who doesn’t live in your house. Close contact is considered anything indoors greater than 15 minutes and closer than six feet.

Currently, the best protection against the virus is the emergency use authorized vaccine. We have several doses of the Moderna vaccine at the clinic. Please call or email  to make an appointment.

Lastly, if you have been in contact with someone who tests positive, or you test positive for Covid-19, you MUST stay home. Even if you don’t feel ill, don’t go to the store; don’t go on a clam dig; and don’t go visit anyone.

We need to buckle down, return to vigilance, and look out for each other.

Let’s finish the race Squaxin Strong!