Vincent Henry, Sr.

Running for Tribal Council Chairman

Nominated By: Michael Ogden

Hi Everyone,

I think that you all know me by now, but in case you don’t, I’m Vince Henry Sr., the son of the late great Barbara Henry.  I am very blessed with a beautiful family and have been a proud  Squaxin Island Tribal Member forever and exercising our Treaty Rights has been a lifelong passion…Fishing, clam digging and hunting.

I will be running for the Chairman position of our Tribe and would be proud to serve in this capacity.  I have been on the Tribal Council for many years, and I thank you all for that.  As Chairman I would do my best to represent our Tribe and our people in the most respectable, honest, and sincere way that I can.

I am ready, and I think its time. Thank you all for your continued support.



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