10 events found.
Community Calendar
Bingo with Health & Human Services
Community Kitchen
Elders Committee Elections
Elders BuildingElders Committee Elections Elections will be held for the following positions on Wednesday, February 1, 2023 at 1:00 p.m., in the Elders dining room: Chair Treasurer Secretary Elders and spouses are encouraged to attend. This is your time to have your voices heard.
Valentines Lunch Hour Event
Tribal Center 10 SE Squaxin Lane, Shelton, WA, United States
Medicinal Mushrooms Workshop
This workshop will focus on identification, preparation, and use of several medicinal mushrooms. Participants will receive instructions for growing and preparing mushrooms, as well as recipes and a basic working knowledge of how to use them for personal, family, and community health.
Ooo La La
Squaxin Island Museum Library and Research Center 150 SE K’WUH-DEEGS-ALTXW, Shelton, WA, United States
Family Paint Night
Tu Ha' Buts Youth Center Rec Room